Tie kurie kovojoIII DalisAnatoly Nikolaevich, commander of a tank battalion in the 54th Brigade, and his partner Tetiana Naumenko, who is also an officer, raise their newborn child while still deployed in combat operations.I will fight until the end of the war, Tetiana said back in 2015. Or as long as I have strength.With phones never too far away, Tetiana jumps on every opportunity to ring her friends still on deployment.“No one wants to hear about our problems from the frontline.”PabaigaVisos dalysTie kurie kovojoIII DalisAnatolijus Nikolajevičius, 54-osios brigados tankų bataliono vadas, ir jo partnerė Tetiana Naumenko, taip pat karininkė, augina naujagimį, nors vis dar vykdo kovines operacijas.Praleisti Įžangą